Chip seal. AST. Surface treatment. "Tar and Chip". Our specialty goes by many names but the value it represents is singular. Put simply, you can get more done, in more places to improve your road network with the chip seal family. We've been doing so since back in 1930 as part of the Southern Asphalt Company. We later changed our name to Whitehurst Paving Company in 1946. In 2014 we became a part of the Slurry Pavers family of companies where we combine our expertise to provide even more maintenance options. We've been paving and maintaining roads with the tried and true process of embedding rock into liquid asphalt for nearly 100 years. Today, the classic "tar and chip" has evolved to include more specialized materials, processes and machinery that can produce a range of options to maintain just about any kind of road.
From humble beginnings to a modern "jack of many trades", the chip seal and its variations provide an extremely economical option for road maintenance. The most common variations we provide are:
Chip Seal/Surface Treatment - different gradations of stone can be embedded into various types of emulsion in single or multiple layers to achieve the desired result.
Cape Seal - a chip seal is surfaced with a slurry seal or micro surfacing to combine the benefits of each treatment type.
Scrub Seal - the base asphalt is placed at a heavier rate and "scrubbed" into surface cracks with specialized equipment prior to laying the first course of stone.
3723 Nine Mile Road
Richmond, VA 23223
804.233.9296 - LOCAL
804.233.6413 - FAX
151 Emmett Road
Dunn, NC 28334
910.391.9776 - LOCAL
910.892.3220 - FAX